This is Teddy a 7 year old Yorkshire Terrier. Teddy was in for a routine dentistry when we found this tiny tiny tick on her eyelid. This deer tick is in the nymph stage which is an immature tick but still capable of carrying lyme bacteria. This is the size of tick that normally bites humans making it impossibly hard to know you have even had a tick on you. The tick and Teddy's blood will be tested to see if there are bacteria present. Not all deer tick carry the disease.
posted: Sun Jun 03 22:38:21 EDT 2012 by: Bagnell Veterinary Hospital Tags: "Clinic Specials" "News"
This is Teddy a 7 year old Yorkshire Terrier. Teddy was in for a routine dentistry when we found this tiny tiny tick on her eyelid. This deer tick is in the nymph stage which is an immature tick but still capable of carrying lyme bacteria. This is the size of tick that normally bites humans making it impossibly hard to know you have even had a tick on you. The tick and Teddy's blood will be tested to see if there are bacteria present. Not all deer tick carry the disease.