Raccoon Rabies in Hamilton
posted: Mon Feb 22 11:49:54 EST 2016 by: Bagnell Veterinary Hospital Tags: "Clinic Specials" "News"
In December of 2015 and January of 2016, cases of raccoon rabies were detected in Hamilton, Ontario. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests has been distributing rabies vaccine bait in that area to try and prevent the problem from spreading. Mississauga is currently in the "surveillance zone" for this problem. It is important to keep your pet's rabies vaccinations up to date. It does not matter if your pet is indoors or is walked on leash only, rabies vaccine still needs to be given. It is recommended to stay away from all wildlife. If a person or your pet has any contact with oddly-behaving wild animals, report this to a veterinarian or to your local public health unit.