We would like to encourage cat owners to bring their pets in for an annual physical. Our kitties often go without because we think they may not need to come in if they stay indoors. Cats can hide pain and illness as protective mechanism and it is amazing how many times our Veterinarians have found concerns such as infected teeth, arthritis, heart murmurs and tumours with just that once a year check. To make it a bit easier here are some tips for transporting your "lion!"
-always use a carrier
-rub a cloth around your cat's face and then rub it around the inside of the carrier
-place a piece of your clothing in the carrier for your pet to lie on
-avoid playing loud music on the way to the hospital and talk in soothing tones
-upon returning home if you have another cat waiting, rub a cloth on it's body and then wipe the cloth on the cat that has just been to the veterinarian - it may prevent conflict.